OMG Finishes

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a Week.

It is hard to believe that it is only a week since I attended a Trunk Show by Hatched in Africa machine embroidery designs. I have been to better but of course that didn’t stop me indulging in some of their designs.

Then it was onto Night duty for two very busy nights followed by only one day off,which was really to sleep, and then five more days of busyness. It finished yesterday with me teaching an all day Antenatal class which is always very draining. Now the holidays start.

What little sewing I have managed this week I can’t show you as it would spoil the surprise for my swap partners. I will show you however what the mailman delivered.SANY0382Aren’t they so cute. Can’t wait to start them. The midwife in me had to have the one with the baby as well. Thanks Joy for the inspiration and contact details.

The weather this week in Brisbane has seen records set for this time of the year-winter and one day it got to 35.8 degrees Celsius. Today I think it has been up to at least thirty and then tomorrow we will drop ten degrees. Crazy. Look what came into my garden to eat however, along with my local crowd of cockatoos.SANY0379A King Parrot. Isn’t he beautiful? He has been back again so I hope he,and his friend, become regular visitors.

Well I am off to Vietnam tomorrow for three weeks, to travel around with my sister and brother-in-law, who have been living up there so will be out of contact.  Hope you all keep well and keep those projects flowing.

Friday, August 21, 2009


The last week has flown by and there is very little sewing to show for it. I have been working on my Sue Ross BOM and although I love my practice block I am not sure if I like how the fabrics look in the real thing.


I think the centre circle gets lost so may change it to a different colour to blend in with the outer triangles. The whirligig is not as vibrant as I thought it would be . I have spent the afternoon fussy cut the purple triangles and only just had enough fabric so was starting to panic a little. Will finish it off and see if I like it any more. I do love the pattern so it’s a shame it isn’t grabbing me.

The rest of the week has been taken up with work, golf and a visit to the Skin Clinic. I have to say that having spots on your face zapped with the cold  ice is not something I would want to have too often. At least they haven’t blistered too bad so I can still be seen in public!!

For those of you who do machine embroidery, tomorrow I am off to a trunk show be Hatched in Africa. I’m really looking forward to it and try and tell myself I won’t spend any money but when I was ‘born to shop’ I think I will come home with some little treasure. Then it is Night Duty over the weekend and if it is quiet I may get some hand stitching done.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Friday, August 14, 2009

What a Day!



Well here is my practice block of the Sue Ross BOM ready to be stitched onto the background. .  The whirligig is going in the wrong direction but I’m not worrying about that - will fix it on the real block. A few imperfections for sure but all learning. I have to say I did this on the machine and not hand pieced so was pleased with how it turned out. It is going to be a challenging project that’s for sure.

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  It was a very exciting day for me on the golf course today. For those who understand,or play the game, I finally got an elusive birdie and on  a Par 4. It is a hole I don’t usually do well on so was sooo… excited. Here is the ball ion the green for 2 and then it was a little putt in. Just look at the colour of the sky and it is winter.

I was just playing on my own(my playing partners are away) so there was no one to yell and scream with. I had to hold the camera and take my own photo – sad I know, but wanted to capture the moment!!


Isn’t this so cute. This is what we have to view on the course. Someone forgot to tell mum and dad that it’s winter and ducklings aren’t supposed to be born yet. I couldn’t get a great photo as mum and dad were being very protective.

For me it is off to work for the weekend but hopefully will get a bit of sewing done. Hope you all have a great weekend whatever you do.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Project

In the mail has arrived my first block for MO’s Sue Ross’s BOM..Whirly Gig which I am doing in the Contemporary colourway. It is so exciting but a bit out of my comfort zone so will be a challenge. I may do a practice block before the real thing.


As I was driving to work yesterday I noticed the people down the road had put an eyecatching addition to their garden wall and I had to stop and take a photo. Quilt design?


This Queen loves the sun and also loves to sit as though she is in an armchair- has always done this even before she became a little porky.


It’s a holiday here in Brisbane today for Ekka showday. I still do not understand why we need a Public holiday for a show. It is a big paying day if you work so alot of people request to work. I was not one of those so have a day of sewing and golf ahead.

Hope you all have a good one.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunny Sunday

The Angels are finished and it is now just the borders and the top is finished. I am off to work soon so it is going to have to wait.

Of course now that that one is nearly finished I had to start another one-as though I haven't got enough on the go. Out of my cupboard came this kit I bought some time ago. I have a love of things African so couldn't resist this one from The Quilters and Embroidery Store.

I love pansies and these ones have survived the possums visiting. I planted some coriander and parsley away from where the CD's are hanging and they have gone but those around where the CD's are are still growing so looks like it is working. I may finally have a garden with plants in it.

Well off to work now. Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Plants Still There

Just a quick note to say the plants are still in the garden however it was like Possum Party last night. I think they thought the CD’s meant there was a party in the garden!!

Two of them arrived early in the evening and one decided to stay on in the tree making the most hideous noise until about 11 o’clock-I think it got scared to actually leave the tree. 

As I live in a complex I think I will just hide from my two neighbours who would’ve been driven mad. Luckily it’s off to work for me so little contact will be made.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting There

Thought I would show you the other two in residence – they think they are the King and Queen of course.SANY0314

This is the 10 year old Queen Bella who loves to laze around most of the time, and on a quilt of course. She has a dual personality from being very loving to being quite the opposite and always has been like that.


12 year old King Barnaby loves to be on the sewing table. He is everyones friend,especially any males. The two of them get on really well and have done since Bella came into the household. I brought them over from New Zealand with me and they have settled in very well.

I have planted the plants I got yesterday and also hung some CD’s around the garden as Natima suggested as a deterrent to the possums. It looks like I have a crazy psychedelic garden but we will see if I still have plants in the morning!


I love Gerberas and these are the ones that are now in the garden

I have been doing some more on the mystery quilt as well today and it is coming together.


These are the angels that are the last blocks to do and then the top that has yet to have all the angels added and a border put on.


So, that’s part of my day. Hope you have all had a good one.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Quiet Week In The Sewing Room

Thankfully the sore throat has gone, although it never came to more than that thank goodness.

Have had a really busy week at work, including a busy shift on Saturday so nice to have some days off. Yesterday morning it was housework and then in the afternoon off to the golf course and a glorious afternoon in the sun.Went to a friends for dinner last night and she made a chocolate souffle to die for-Better Homes and Garden recipe. I’m not a huge chocolate fan(honest) but this was just divine.

This morning I have been to Bunnings to stock up on plants for the garden ,which is looking rather bare. It is all thanks to the possums who love eating anything that is above the dirt. I am still amazed at the amount of chillies they devour. One day I will master keeping them away from the plants. In New Zealand opossums are a pest not something that is protected.

The sewing project for this afternoon is to put together a mystery quilt I have been doing. Has anyone else been doing the Susan Claire online Mystery-well all has been revealed!! Susan did hers in Christmas fabrics but I decided to use up some of my brights –maybe a bad mistake,we will see.

Other blocks Heart block

These are some of the blocks in the making. Will post more later.